3 Ways to Tap into Your Soul Goal and Energize Yourself

inner heart compassHow much time each day do you spending thinking? How about feeling and sensing?

If you’re like most, you spend the majority of your time thinking. And as a result, your goals or plan your day based on your thoughts.

But your thoughts are only half of you. And if that’s all you listen to, it’s likely you’re short on energy and follow through. Right about now, you might even be you’re running out of steam for those ambitious new year’s resolutions. Or in the middle of the day, you might find yourself lacking the luster to complete your to-do list.

Since your body is the home of your heart and soul— why not tap into it as your inner compass? It’s a resource full of energy and passion! To get started, try these easy tips:

#1 – Slow down. Schedule quite alone time for 5-10 minutes and do nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. If you can’t do 5, do 2. Do it!

#2—When you start “thinking” about your goals, start to practice a medium-length breath that’s slightly audible. Put your mind on the sensation of your heart or your belly.

#3 – Ask your heart and your gut, what’s your desire? What do you want? What would you like to feel like at the end of the day? Week? Year?

From here, you should get some pretty clear answers on what your soul goals are.

Try this a couple of times a week, and notice how you feel. At the end of the day, write down two words that best capture how you felt mind, body and spirit.

If you want to learn more about the process of lighting up your life with energy, join me for the 4 Day Light Up Your Practice February 26 to March 1st.

Love and light,

Laurel Hodory yoga teacher training

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