Change Your Story, Change Your Life

“Be who God intended you to be and you will set the world on fire.”-Catherine of Sienna I couldn’t believe it. Driving home the other night from a friend’s house, my husband and I pulled up behind a car with a license plate that said ‘Woe is me’. Seriously? I can’t imagine (even if I…

Why Your A-Game is Taking You Out and How to Get Back In

Adrenaline is a source of energy that’s free and pretty much always available—- Until it’s not. It’s very addictive. Our bodies create it when they experience certain kinds of stress. If you chronically find yourself running late, over booking your schedule, saying things like “I work better under pressure,” you may be an adrenaline junkie.…

How to Stop Playing Small and Get Your Confidence Back

Confidence is a mindset. And it’s a mindset that a lot of people feel lacking in – especially women.  Why is this so?  Put simply, there are hundreds of years of cultural training at work here. One reason cited by self-help guru Tony Robbins is the culture of one-downmanship with women. When a woman receives…