Triage: 9 Tips to Remedy Accidental Gluten Exposure

Triage: 9 Tips to Remedy Accidental Gluten Exposure I went gluten free eight years ago when I was told by my doctors they thought I had thyroid cancer. I didn’t. After visiting a number of experts, I came to learn that I had a nodule of inflammation in my thyroid. I had thyroiditis—inflammation of the…

Change Your Story, Change Your Life

I couldn’t believe it. Driving home the other night from a friend’s house, my husband and I pulled up behind a car with a license plate that said, Woe is me. Seriously? I can’t imagine being so attached to my negative self-talk that I’d put it on a license plate! In the yoga teacher training,…

Back Bending: From Pain to Bliss

I often hear a sigh of disgruntlement when I introduce the first backbend in a yoga class.  Back bending is demanding, and sometimes it even hurts. But it shouldn’t—at least not for most. Why does a backbend hurt? There are a lot of possible reasons.  For some, the muscles of the back are simply imbalanced. …