Change Your Story, Change Your Life

I couldn’t believe it. Driving home the other night from a friend’s house, my husband and I pulled up behind a car with a license plate that said, Woe is me.

Seriously? I can’t imagine being so attached to my negative self-talk that I’d put it on a license plate!

In the yoga teacher training, we learn from the ancient yoga teachings how thoughts, known as vrittis, create reality.  The more we think a thought, the more we attract the energy of that thought.

Tip #1

change story lifeTry noticing your thoughts before you believe them lock, stock and barrel.  Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, a landmark yoga text tells us that we should practice seeing our thoughts without reacting to them. By doing this, we put a little space between our Self and our thought, and this buys us the time to respond, rather than re-act.

Tip #2

Keep a journal of your thought patterns for a week. Notice any common thoughts or thought trends? How do you think this affects you and your ability to live your most purposeful, wildly successful life?

Enjoying learning these tips?

If so, it may be time to consider enrolling in my Yoga Teacher Training Program.  In it, you’ll learn mat skill secrets to advance your practice and much more. The next one starts July 11th and there are still some seats open.

Then let me know here how your practice is going!

Love and brilliance,


Laurel Signature





“Be who God intended you to be and you will set the world on fire.”Catherine of Sienna

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