Be in the Bhav

bhavI just returned from Bhaktifest in Joshua Tree California where I spent 4 days with my husband. The bands played 24/7, we danced, we sang, we yoga-d, we ate delicious food, slept under the stars and saw old friends and made new ones.

This particular yoga event is about being in the Bhav–the feeling energy of the heart and the connections we make when we are open, naked and simple. The Bhav is about being embodied – and acting from our hearts and our bodies—not just our minds— even if at times it doesn’t’ make logical sense. According to the yoga teachings, the fastest way to liberation (from our tendencies), is through the heart.

bhavAt Bhaktifest, we use chanting (the names of the divine in sanskrit) as a way to elevate vibration. It’s a different form of yoga that is so sublime, it’s like an entire class of Sava Sana floating in a hot air balloon!

Ommmmmmmmm. I feel so tapped in.

I was reminded that “being in the bhav” isn’t about me getting blissed out. It’s about devotion in motion, which is service. I heard and reheard, “you have to give it away to keep it”. What it means to me is that by reaching out, by serving, by supporting someone going through a challenging time, by sharing my story of how yoga helped me heal from physical abuse and eating disorder, I can serve. Click here to get a copy of Laurel’s story here.

bhavThat’s giving it away.

In any case, it doesn’t mean I have to sign up to be a volunteer for some organization or donate money. It might just mean I dedicate my life to helping other people feel good through yoga. Or it might mean I listen to a friend or a family member in need. It’s kindness to my loved ones.

How will you be of service? Maybe it’s time to Share the Gift of Yoga? Click here to sign up for your private, free interview with me and learn more about how to become a yoga teacher and save up to $1,000 on tuition.

Big love to you all. Prayers that we can all be of service today, tomorrow, everyday, in some small way.

Jai ma!

Laurel Hodory yoga teacher training

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