Where is Your Emotional Home

Do you ever feel:

  • Overwhelmed, anxious or nervous?
  • Frustrated, angry or impatient?
  • Sad, depressed, lonely or disappointed?

If you find yourself in these mental states on a daily or weekly basis, take note. You could be cutting years off your life. These states stimulate the fight or flight or stress response. Dr. Gary Kaplan, D.O., author of Total Recovery points out that new research suggests that stress is cumulative. That means you can’t un-do what you’ve already done. You can only start to reduce your stress intake.

The yoga teachings state that our True Nature (Sutra 1:3) is the state of being calm, relaxed,happy and connected.

Why not spend a few minutes every day getting back to your True Nature?desertmountain When you make the practice of returning to your emotional home a habit, it gets easier and easier to hit the reset button when you’re under stress.

Practice: Reset Your Emotional Home Now

1. First things first. Become aware of your current state, without judgment. It is what it is. Denying it will only make it persist.

2. Next, reset your current state to your True Emotional Home. There are a variety of ways to do this, but one of the quickest ways is through a method I teach called the Magic 5. Get the Magic 5 now!

3. Next, make daily practice of this. This is essential so that you can build up your “resetting” muscles and be responsive in the moment.

4. Practice resetting everyday when you are triggered by stress until it becomes second nature.

Note: It’s physically impossible to jump ahead to #4 until you establish a daily practice for several months. You lose your memory when under stress, and so you won’t actually remember to do the Magic 5 until it becomes stored as habit in your body. So do your daily practice!

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