Richard Georgoff

Richard Georgoff, a practicing Podiatrist for the last 26 years, started his fitness journey with marathons in his early twenties, triathlons in his thirties, Spinning/Body Building in his forties, and finally yoga as he entered his fifties. He also recently became certified in Muscle Activation Technique, a physical therapy modality to balance the muscular system. He has been a fitness and wellness education presenter at local and international fitness conferences and has an intense passion for nutrition. Richard believes that most healthcare issues are the result of improper nutrition and lack of proper wellness and fitness practices.

Through Yoga, Richard explored a different understanding of body movement, while still seeing connections between all his prior fitness experience and medical knowledge. The doors of yoga philosophy began to open when Richard was exposed to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras during Yoga Teacher Training with Laurel Hodory & Faculty in 2013. Through contemplation of the Sutras he experienced a spiritual cultivation, of sorts, and picked up the nickname “Raja” from fellow classmates for his ongoing humbled study of what it means to live a yogic life. His most loved word and lifelong goal is Balance!

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