Michele Stollard

Michele Stollard came to yoga as a way to exercise and relieve stress after long days as an R.N. in the Operating Room. She quickly fell in love with not only the physical, but the emotional and mental support it offered her. She was constantly surprised by what her body was capable of doing.

After practicing regularly for about 2 years, Michele realized she wanted to be a yoga teacher so that she could share her passion for yoga with others. Michele truly believes that Yoga can cure, not only through the physical postures, but by allowing people to really connect with their bodies and to open the communication between the mind and body. She hopes that through her classes and teachings that people will begin to accept themselves and start to appreciate their amazing body. Michele received her 200RYT Certification through Yoga Teacher Training with Laurel Hodory & Faculty in May 2015.

In her downtime, Michele enjoys spending time with her husband and their three dogs. She also loves to eat at local restaurants and practice creative transitions and arm balances.

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