Michael Morgan

Michael Morgan came to the practice through Sally Roberts and her teaching at Grandview Heights area gym. He was seriously into lifting but not so much into stretching. He noticed the asanas and mistook them for stretching but was eager to try it. He fell in love with the practice and found that it was so much more than stretching.

Yoga has brought him through personal and physical struggles. Yoga helped him back to health after being hospitalized twice in a month for Crohn’s disease. It was the first thing he turned to and it didn’t let him down. Yoga has been very good to Michael. 🙂

Michael wants to bring the gift of yoga to others for all it can do both off and on the mat. Michael is very interested in the philosophical underpinnings of the asana practice and has used them in his personal and professional life. He believes that simple things can lead to great awakenings and people can be introduced to the philosophy in a non-dogmatic way.

Michael has already used yogic teachings, including parts of the Bhagavad Gita, in his work as an Attorney with the Franklin County Public Defender with great success. He has had a variety of experiences that help him relate to people from many walks of life. He has been a farm boy, Army Reservist, commission salesman, and a public defender both in urban Columbus, Ohio and Appalachian Marietta, Ohio. He enjoys his yoga practice, studying the scripture, the company of good friends and family. He is very eager to give the gifts he continues to receive back to the community.

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