Lori Conway

Lori has always been a meditation practitioner. She would find time to be alone and quiet and realized the grounding qualities that came from it at a very early age. It was an invaluable tool to have through college and now as a parent.

During pregnancy in 1999, she was looking for exercise to stay in shape and found an Iyengar studio in Boca Raton, Florida. Yes, the benefits of staying in good physical shape were realized, but what hooked her was the amazing connection she found with her baby. Through thoughtful movement, breathing, meditation and chanting, the light on the path would shine a little brighter and with every practice, gain a bit more clarity into self.

Lori has attended Yoga Journal conferences and various seminars. She will complete Yoga Teacher Training Certification with Laurel Hodory in November of 2010.

Through her own experimenting with Hatha, Asthanga, Kripalu and a few fusion forms of yoga, she can see the beauty in all forms and understands that being playful and open only deepen your own personal practice and spiritual path. It is her hope to continue to learn from others on this path and draw on her own experiences and the wisdom of her teachers so that she can share this transforming and amazing practice with all seeking balance, strength and grace. Namaste!

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