Leslie Fox

Leslie Fox discovered yoga in 2006 a year after giving birth to her sixth child. Leslie knew her core was weak and she was physically exhausted from having six children in twelve years. She was hooked from the very first day and knew instinctively that her life was about to change. Immediately she began practicing yoga every single day. After five years of attending classes and telling anyone who would listen how yoga has changed her life, she decided to become certified. This coincided with her eldest leaving the nest for college and with her youngest entering first grade. Yoga has helped her with the transitions that life brings and the stress that comes with change and with raising a household of kids, especially teenagers.

Leslie loves both Hatha and Ashtanga yoga and has a keen interest in teaching beginners. She remembers hiding in the back of the room until she emerged to the front of the room with gained confidence and wants to help others achieve the same not only on their mat but in life as well.

Leslie lives with her six children, her husband David and a menagerie of pets. It can be a chaotic existence and it is amazing how yoga helps with that.

In addition to yoga, Leslie loves to garden, read, cook, knit and take long walks early in the morning at sunrise.

Leslie is a YTT 200 hour certified yoga teacher through Laurel Hodory and hopes to someday further her training in the YTT 500 hours program.

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