Kristy Gerlich
Taking her first class as an undergraduate student, Kristy immediately took to yoga and has been practicing ever since. Ten years later, she has practiced across most of the country from San Francisco—where she really deepened her personal practice and awoke to the transformative powers of yoga—to New York where she challenged herself in advanced classes. A ten week stay at the Omega Institute in upstate New York solidified her commitment to exploring the yogic teachings and the mind, body, breath connection.
Kristy is an organic farmer who physically uses her body very hard almost every day. Yoga has been a literal life saver for her as a restorative balance to the daily aggressive tasks demanded by the farming lifestyle. Driven to share the peace she experiences from her own restorative practice, she enrolled in Laurel Hodory’s 200 Hr. Yoga Teacher Training. The training covered both Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga. New to teaching, she and is eager to share her inspired knowledge drawing from her own strong asana practice in the hopes of facilitating a co-creative environment with her students in the studio.
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