Jane O’Loughlin

Jane O’Loughlin started practicing yoga in early 2001 and quickly found her preference for ashtanga in Laurel Hodory’s Yoga One studio in Columbus. Jane followed Laurel as she moved and renamed the studio (It’s Yoga), and followed as Laurel’s style moved from ashtanga to anusara-inspired vinyasa. Jane’s ashtanga preference has not disappeared but it is complemented by the variety and creativity offered by vinyasa yoga.

After years of requesting a space for yoga in the fitness center where she works, an expansion project included a meditation/yoga room. Motivated by the desire to keep the space for her own practice as well as to invite others to yoga, Jane volunteered to offer yoga at work beginning in January 2008. At the same time, she enrolled in teacher training under Laurel Hodory at It’s Yoga. She expects to be certified at the Yoga Alliance 200-hour level in early 2009.

Jane currently teaches yoga (hatha and ashtanga) to her colleagues at work where outside the meditation/yoga room, she is a technical manager. She is also a physicist and theologian who loves to learn, laugh and love.

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