Jackie Theibert

Jackie Theibert took a yoga class from a teacher who came to the child care center she worked at when she was 19. She asked her teacher how she got into it and her teacher responded “once I started doing yoga, everything in my life got better.” That made Jackie wonder how this magical yoga could do such a thing. Jackie started practicing regularly several years later at a vinyasa studio full of high energy, open minded, and talented yogis and started to understand what her teacher meant by “yoga makes everything in life better.” Feeling the all around positive effects from yoga, Jackie was inspired to become a yoga teacher to deepen her practice and share the wonders of yoga with others and received her certificate from Laurel Hodory & Faculty in the spring of 2013. She loves working with children and taking on several different artistic endeavors, which shows in her upbeat and creative style of teaching vinyasa style of teaching to adults and various active themed styles to children.

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