Soar With Me!

Yesterday, a student in class made her way into her first one-armed handstand.  The look of joy on her face made my day, and hers too!  She couldn’t believe what she had done!  She had broken the barrier– gone beyond all that she thought was possible. The yoga teachings explain that when we are no…

Shift Happens… When You’re Ready

Are you ready? If you’re doing yoga, that’s a clue you just might be ready. Yoga isn’t about doing or undoing the reality at hand; it’s not about getting anywhere or even about achieving a pose. No, yoga is about the practice of INACTION. It requires that we don’t react— physically or emotionally— to whatever…

What’s Stopping YOU?

Too busy? Don’t have enough money? Too tired? Don’t have enough time? I’ve heard it all– from myself and now from you. But these are just excuses. There’s ALWAYS a deeper answer underneath the excuse. What’s yours?   When you REALLY listen to your response to this question- I bet you get butterflies in your…