Give Up Your Story, Gain Your Freedom

Have you ever told yourself a story about what would happen if you changed a habit? I know I have. Every time I’ve ever changed my diet to eliminate something like sugar or gluten, there’s a BIG story about how hard it’s going to be. I’m going to be miserable without it. I deserve it.…

5 Tips to Tune Your Yoga to the Season 

When the seasons change, our yoga practice changes – if we are in tune with Nature. Otherwise, we keep plugging along as we did in summer setting ourselves up for imbalances. Have you experienced? Anxiety or scatteredness Constipation or irregular bowel movements Insomnia Increased aches and pains Depletion or decreased energy   These are all…

Did You Just ULP? 

Now that I have your attention, I’ll tell you what an ULP is.  An ULP is an upper limit problem, according to Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap. Think of yourself as having a set point that keeps your success/happiness at a certain level. When you go out of bounds, every part of you works to drive you…