Curry, Worry & Hurry

Let me explain. This saying comes from an Indian teacher of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a sister science to yoga, and is a method for living well and living long. Curry means your diet. Worry means self-induced stress caused by thinking and worrying about the future. Hurry comes from scheduling our time to tightly. Which one…

Shift Happens… When You’re Ready

Are you ready? If you’re doing yoga, that’s a clue you just might be ready. Yoga isn’t about doing or undoing the reality at hand; it’s not about getting anywhere or even about achieving a pose. No, yoga is about the practice of INACTION. It requires that we don’t react— physically or emotionally— to whatever…

What’s Stopping YOU?

Too busy? Don’t have enough money? Too tired? Don’t have enough time? I’ve heard it all– from myself and now from you. But these are just excuses. There’s ALWAYS a deeper answer underneath the excuse. What’s yours?   When you REALLY listen to your response to this question- I bet you get butterflies in your…