Rachel Bertner

Rachel Bertner first discovered yoga in 2002 and, in the years that followed, developed a strong personal practice. In 2012, after seeing the profound therapeutic and healing benefits of yoga on her own body, she began to consider teacher training as a way to share yoga as a therapeutic alternative for recovery. In 2014, Rachel…

Sharon Armstead

Sharon Armstead has been involved in health and fitness for most of her life. After winning her battle with cancer in 2011, she became passionate about yoga. “Yoga helped me find inner peace, regain my strength and flexibility, as well as become more fearless, on and off the mat.” Inspired by her own personal experience,…

Ragnhild Torvaldsdottir

In 1995, as a trained ballet dancer, Ragnhild Torvaldsdottir was initially drawn to the physical aspects of yoga. As her practice deepened, she felt drawn to share her love of yoga with others and in 2011 began teaching energetic and powerful yoga classes that left her students wanting more. She continued to deepen her own…