Courage, Compassion, Connection

Courage, Compassion, Connection I’m lucky to be taking a wonderful e-course with Brene Brown, a sociologist who studies shame, vulnerability and wholehearted living. Like Brene, I believe every human has had an experience of being shamed at one time or another in their life, if not multiple times. This can have a big impact on…

Are You Hard or Soft?

Are You Hard or Soft? One of the great yoga texts says that yoga postures must be practiced with both stiram (effort) and sukham (ease). This sutra advises us to practice a dynamic balance of effort & surrender, of contraction & expansion, of strength & flexibility. An excess of one or the other (too “hard” or…

Taming the Wanting Mind

Taming the Wanting Mind Have you ever noticed how much your mind dictates how you feel? The wanting mind is a source of discontentment and silent stress.  The Buddha called it suffering. Many of us seek external things in our day-to-day lives— a promotion, more money, a new car, good grades, a new outfit.  Some…