The Secret to Balancing on One Leg

The Secret to Balancing on One Leg Do you ever have trouble balancing in Tree, Half Moon, Dancer or Eagle poses? These seemingly simple poses can be challenging. Balancing on one foot requires balanced action between the inside and the outside of the leg.  For most of us, one part is stronger than the other,…

Re-Membering Your Whole Self

Re-Membering Your Whole Self I can’t help but see things that most people never notice when it comes to the body. Just from posture alone, I can tell a lot about a person. The computer and the car are devices we rely on to create freedom, ease and efficiency in our lives. But yet they also…

Shame is Your Claim to Fame

Shame is Your Claim to Fame A few weeks ago I was at a conference in San Diego with two of my dear friends. On the last day, I was having a conversation with one of them just before she whisked off to the airport to catch her flight. She said something that was really…