Why Smiling Makes You Succeed

Why Smiling Makes You Succeed

Laurel_leg_behind_headAt different times over the life of my yoga practice, I’ve fallen away from my practice for short periods due to injury, illness and life! Can you relate?

I always have a smile from ear to ear when I return to my mat. Below are some things I do to have fun on my mat:
  • try new poses; make up new twisted versions of poses
  • practice with a friend
  • try things I know I cannot do and laugh when I fall out
  • close my eyes in the poses
  • add inventive props like tennis balls, socks, foam rollers
  • play with music
  • use mantra or affirmations
  • add in moves from dance and other types of workouts
  • change the pranayama pattern

Are you having fun with yoga? Or is it all work and no play? What makes you smile on your mat? How does smiling make you feel?

Let me know here how it goes. Can’t wait to hear your tips!

Be the light,


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ~Thich Nhat Hahn

Why Smile?

  1. Makes Us Attractive to others There is an automatic attraction to people who smile.Caucasian Girl Playing With Puppy
  2. Changes Mood If you try, even when it’s difficult, to smile when you are not feeling good, there is a chance it might improve your affect and change the way you are feeling.
  3. Contagious Others will want to be with you. You will be helping others feel good.
  4. Relieves Stress Stress does express itself right in our faces. When we smile, it can help us look better, less tired, less worn down.
  5. Boosts Immune System Smiling can actually stimulate your immune response by helping you relax.
  6. Lowers Blood Pressure When you smile, there is evidence that your blood pressure can decrease.
  7. Releases Endorphins and Serotonin Research has reported that smiling releases endorphins, which are natural pain relievers, along with serotonin, which is also associated with feel good properties.

Read the complete article on Smile Therapy

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