Are You Ready to Say Yes to Yourself Yet?
Are You Ready to Say Yes to Yourself Yet?
Over the past few months I conducted a series of interviews with my clients. What I learned was fascinating!
90% of the women I interviewed were hindered from taking an action to fulfill their dreams without first getting the approval of their significant others. I was stunned!!
Yes, we’ve had the vote for nearly 100 years. And the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963. But still, we women defer when it comes to prioritizing our dreams.
I was surprised, saddened and outraged by what I had learned.
And then I had to come clean. I did the same thing in a big way back in 2010, and probably a few other times. I had wanted to enroll in a shamanic training program that involved significant time and financial investment. So I told the recruiter that I needed to talk with my spouse first.
So I talked with my spouse—and you guessed it, he talked me out of it! Now keep in mind, my husband is very supportive of me! But he was very pragmatic when he listened to me explain the program and why I wanted to do it. He then offered a lot of valid logical reasons why I shouldn’t enroll.
So I didn’t.
Thankfully, I recently had an opportunity to make a dream-defining decision for myself. It wasn’t a shamanic training program this time, but it did require a similar time and money investment. This program will undoubtedly help me advance living my dreams.
I took a giant risk—-I decided without consulting my husband! The surge of joy, excitement and empowerment I felt is indescribable! It’s now the energy that’s carrying me through and keeping me on task with my program.
In hindsight, I realize that I was just using my husband as an excuse—an excuse to hide behind when all along I was simply afraid to trust myself and take a risk.
What decision have you been avoiding? What excuses do you give yourself? An excuse is a barrier you believe is real when it is really just a cover for the deeper reason holding you back. Write your answers in your journal. Contemplate them when you do your yoga practice.
Then let me know here how it goes!
Be the light,
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” – Marissa Mayer
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