Do You Follow Your Rhythm?
Do You Follow Your Rhythm?
A few weeks ago I wrote about Ease and Dis-Ease. Perhaps one of the major causes of dis-ease is ignoring our natural rhythms. And that’s not to say that my rhythm and yours are the same!
Yes, we do share certain biological rhythms that science has proven are best to follow like the diurnal sleep/wake cycle.
But we also have individual differences as Ayurveda tells us (join us April 26th to learn more). But what exactly is a rhythm? A rhythm is a vibrational pattern of energy during which certain activities are more– or less— accessible to us.
For example, I’m most creative early in the morning. So it goes against my rhythm to start a creative endeavor in the evening.
Each day has a rhythm, and so do the seasons. For example, you may find that you are more introverted in the winter, more extroverted in the summer.
What is your rhythm? How can you honor your rhythm with your yoga practice—when and how you practice? Is your life organized around your rhythm, or is your rhythm forced to fit your schedule? What is the consequence of this to you emotionally? Physically?
As always, let me know here what you discovered! That way we can all learn and grow from each other.
Be the light,
“Clear your energy, honor your rhythm, live your vision” -George Denslow
One Response to “Do You Follow Your Rhythm?”
I read an excellent book a couple of years ago called,”Frequency”. The author,Penny Peirce, writes about energy and how every thing has a vibration or “rhythm” and that our job is to determine if that rhythm resonates with our own personal vibration.
I have found that “feeling” that rhythm/vibration is a great way to make decisions of all kinds. For example, I was offered a promotion at work this week that involved training/teaching others. I love to teach so I agreed to talk to the boss about the job. Three minutes after hanging up the phone, I developed a full blown cold out of nowhere. No warning. No, “I feel a cold coming on”. Just a full blown cold. I tossed and turned all night, not with excitement about the job, but more of a stressed out restlessness.
I called the boss back first thing Tuesday morning and told him thanks, but no thanks. Some people would not connect the cold and a sleepless night to the job offer. I admit it is hard to trust those intuitive feelings at times, but my experience has been that they serve me well and I need to pay attention. Does the rhytnm/vibration resonate, or is there more dissonance.
Anyway, great book. I highly reccomend.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs;Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Harold Whitman