From My Heart to Yours — Giving Thanks to You!
From My Heart to Yours — Giving Thanks to You!
I woke up early morning and headed in the dark, snowy cold to yoga class. I had a smile on my face and in my heart. Today, the snow reminded me how blessed and grateful I am to have you in my life.
Fourteen years ago, I opened the first dedicated yoga center in Columbus. And you showed up, day in and day out, breathing, sweating your prayers, your love and your dreams with me.
And even though I’ve sold my studio, you have continued to share your stories of how yoga has healed and changed you for the better.
You have carried on your practice, either in the same space with the new owner, or in one of the many yoga centers we now have. It’s hard to believe, but when I first opened my studio in September 2000, I had to teach people what the word yoga meant! Seriously!
How far we’ve come! And you have helped create this, whether you were one of those first few yogis practicing with me in the converted garage at the crack of dawn, or whether you have just jumped in with both feet with all your heart and spirit.
You are someone who is so important to me. You continue to practice through thick and thin, changing the world one pose at a time. By becoming who you were meant to be. As a yogi you are committed to the path of your own self-discovery, embracing your fears with courage and trust, and taking action to use that very energy to create an abundant and fulfilled life. When you do this, you shed your own light where there was darkness. And you lead by example.
I know the joy of how amazing it feels to be aligned with who you are, from the inside out. I get to feel that every day as I train yoga teachers and teach classes internationally. I’m so grateful to be able to share my knowledge with you on the journey of fulfilling your life’s dreams.
This Thanksgiving holiday, take few moments for yourself each day to consciously let go of comparing, self-doubt or unworthiness. Look in the mirror, and see yourself as I see you: as an amazing, inspired, lovable, unstoppable, beautiful soul. You are someone I believe in without reservation. Own your gifts, thank God, and then OWN your gifts by living them. Take the lampshade off and let your light shine!
While your feeling centered, loved and appreciated, take a moment to acknowledge what desires and intentions arise for next year. Then take a moment and jot them down. Revisit these again next month and refine them.
Then hop on over to my blog and share them with me. Together, we will inspire and uplift one another in this movement of love and transformation. I look forward to hearing from you.
With wholehearted love and appreciation,
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