Devotion in Motion: Fruits of Bhakti Fest Midwest

I just returned from Bhakti Fest Midwest in Madison, WI where I was a guest yoga teacher!  It was the first time ever I was invited to guest-present at an event of this magnitude. Such an honor! But it was more than that.

Laurel Hodary 6-2013 (33)This particular yoga event is about the Bhav–bhav is about the heart, living from the heart. We use chanting (the names of the divine in sanskrit) as a way to elevate vibration. So there were bands on stage all weekend leading kirtan.  I attended with my husband and one of my dear friends.  Just arrived home late last night.  I feel so tapped in.

I was reminded that “being in the bhav” isn’t about me getting blissed out.  It’s about devotion in motion, which is service.    I heard and reheard, “you have to give it away to keep it.”  That’s an old phrase from my 12 step days (adult children of alcoholics) that I needed to hear.   What it means to me is that by reaching out, by serving, by supporting someone going through a challenging time, by sharing how I managed to heal from physical abuse and eating disorder, I can serve.  That’s giving it away.   As Ghandi says, the fastest way to find ourselves is in the service of others.

In any case, it doesn’t mean I have to sign up to be a volunteer for some organization or donate money.  It might just mean I help the elderly woman trying to get into her car.  Or listen to a friend in need. It’s kindness to my loved ones.  I have so much gratitude and feel so much openness today, tears are coming to my eyes.

All Star Bhakti Band

All Star Bhakti Band

One of the incredible and surprise highlights of the weekend was I got to be in the All Star band on Sunday night!   I **LOVE** to sing, dream of learning an instrument some day. I own a harmonium that I play around on.   I find music and song just breaks down all the barriers.  Anyway, on Sunday light, they invited all the yoga teachers to come up on stage with all the bands and sing/chant together!!!   It was SOOO amazing!! I had a HUGE smile ear to ear, we sang and sang and hugged and laughed for I don’t know 30 minutes or something?  Here’s a pic my friends took. I’m in the back just to right of violin player in the long white gown.

Big love to you all. Prayers that we can all be of service today, tomorrow, everyday, in some small way.

Jai ma!

One Response to “Devotion in Motion: Fruits of Bhakti Fest Midwest”

  1. Paul Van Orden on

    In context to your recent trip including the Fruits of Bhakti Fest, living from the heart can be a challenge since the heart is such a vital organ. The heart is strong yet sensitive, highly durable more than we often give credit. In a seven-year study of coronary heart disease at McMaster University found executing the angioplasty procedure is no more effective than medication and lifestyle change in treating patients (Source – Simple solutions for a healthier heart heading at While I have looked to incorporate health in my life (thanks to an excellent upbringing and having positive role models early on), I want to thank you for opening up a new paradigm for me to add to my tool box. I am convinced that yoga can truly make a difference and is | has | and will continue to make a difference for ALL who open up its doors.

    In reading your message, your personal story Laurel, you are definitely a strong lady (one kind of gets that upon meeting your straight away). You seem to have a ‘fearless living’ trait which is something I look for in my circle of friends and a trait I admire. Thank you for introducing me to the world of yoga, specifically vinsana yoga! Here is a bit of motivation from someone in my realm that shows us all to always live life to its fullest:

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