What’s Stopping YOU?
Too busy?
Don’t have enough money?
Too tired?
Don’t have enough time?
I’ve heard it all– from myself and now from you. But these are just excuses. There’s ALWAYS a deeper answer underneath the excuse. What’s yours?
When you REALLY listen to your response to this question- I bet you get butterflies in your stomach. That’s a sure sign that FEAR is coming up. Fear has a great many faces, especially the well-disguised excuse! And because we don’t always recognize the excuse as a cover for fear, we lose the opportunity to grow! Fear easily hijacks our hopes and dreams everyday. Employed by ego, fear’s job is to keep things the way they are– status quo. This keeps us stuck doing the same fulfilling thing over and over again and again.
Is that how you want to live? In fear?
So I’ll ask again– What’s Stopping You from:
living the life of your dreams?
leaving that dreadful job?
taking time out to fill your tank?
exploring that new interest?
If I’ve touched a nerve, listen up. You’re not alone. In fact, you’re in good company– actually GREAT company. And that’s why I put together a very special yoga retreat this year on the white sand beaches of the Mayan Riviera, with the power of the sacred history of the culture and the land to support us all making a Sacred Shift.
I can’t promise you what type of shift because everyone’s situation is different. But I CAN promise you personal transformation! This is my fifth year leading this retreat, and every year gets better. The stories– like Sally and Cherie’s— are not the exception, but the rule!
Join the adventure of the journey inward to your authentic self even as your journey outwardly to the sacred beaches of Maya Tulum November 3-10, 2012.
Register by September 28th and get a FREE Meditation for Busy People CD AND $100 off The Yoga Experience— an online course designed to help you translate your Tulum transformation into real time, real life, real joy!
I look forward to seeing you on the beaches of Maya Tulum!
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